Book your FREE Experience Consultation

Select a time to chat and I'll call you back

✅ Learn more about what options there are
✅ Pick your food and any frames, prints and albums
✅ Help me design a bespoke day just for your group
Lake District photographer, Al Topping leaning on a white wall, holding his camera while smiling.

What happens when you book your free experience consultation? 

Imagine you're in a shop. You've found something you like but you're just not sure if it's right for you; you've got questions.

Think of my Experience consultations as your turn in the shop to ask questions about the product or, if you're happy to proceed, to make a purchase.

What we'll most likely talk about includes: 

  • Available dates
  • Route choices
  • Food and chefs
  • Suitability for young families and those with mobility restrictions
  • Logistics
  • How you might like to present your images
  • What happens if...
  • Questions about my Experience gift vouchers

It's also an opportunity to get to know me. Maybe I'm not your 'cup of tea'. Maybe you realise you've heard my best (worst) dad jokes before; I know, it might just not work!

But without getting on a call you won't know. So scroll on a bit more, pick a time to chat, tick the box if you're happy for me to call you as soon as I can and let's see where the wind takes us.

I'm here to help you get the right Experience for your holiday in the Lakes. Not sure if you're ready yet? Have you checked out my Frequently Asked Questions page?