
How to write your LinkedIn profile


good LinkedIn profile will set you apart from the bulk of the 810 million people currently using the platform. But how do you make yours stand out... in a good way? And what can you do to make sure that your profile is helping to convert on what you're selling or in getting your next job?

Here are my top tips for how to write your own LinkedIn profile without having to spend thousands on getting a consultant to do it for you.

Where should you start?

There’s a lot that goes into a good personal profile and LinkedIn consultants will actually charge you quite a lot for doing it for you(pick a 4 figure number and double it!) but there are some easy wins which will help you do it yourself.

Going in the order that you see the profile page:

  1. Put something relevant into the space at the top of your profile – your banner. If you’ve got brand colours, fonts, a logo andor a catchphrase etc, put it in there, along with your email address and your phone number. This makes it really easy for visitors to see who you are, what you do and how to get in touch with you WITHOUT HAVING TO SEARCH FOR IT.
  2. Not just because I sell commercial headshot services, but pay for a professional to take your headshot image – don’t question it, just do it. It’ll separate you from the other 93% straight away because they don't want to make the investment. If you can't afford it, why not check out my other article on how to do it for yourself:
  3. Change your profile heading to include what benefit you offer the world. This is SO important! If you’re on the hunt for a job,put what roles you’re looking for; if you’re a business owner put what benefit you give to your clients. Why am I recommending you do this? Because every time you publish a post, an article, make a comment or apply for a job this text is put next to your profile image. Meaning, anyone who sees that content you left will know how you can help them. As an example, mine is ‘Providing outdoor businesses with epic eye-catching adventure-themed photographic content.’. You know immediately what I do and who I do it for. If you've got space, add in what benefit you provide too.
  4. Use the featured section to highlight the key things you do and offer. If you’re using LinkedIn to sell to people then use this section of your profile to nurture your prospects through your sales funnel by including relevant posts to get them there.
  5. Start your About section with your ‘Call To Action’. This is the thing you want readers to do as a result of viewing your profile. Why start with this? Easy – because the first three lines show up when the rest is hidden from view. Once you’ve done this then go into what you do and what you can offer in more detail. Be sure to put your contact details at the end and finish with a repeat of your Call To Action. People aren't interested in your life story - that's what the career history is for later on. Just stick to giving your ideal reader what they need that makes them want to contact you.
  6. If you’re looking for employment, ensure you translate your role specific experience into plain English. If you struggle with this part, get a competent friend to help you translate it. Trust me, no-one will know what your acronyms and company jargon mean and using it will just turn visitors off to your profile.
  7. Go and ask people you’ve worked with for recommendations! These are mini testimonials/references from people you’ve worked with in the past. The more the better. But also, give them too.

 What else can you do? 

  • Create some posts! As mentioned, there's around 810 million users but only 1% of the monthly active users post anything. Therefore if you do then you're immediately going to be better off. Post regularly (once a week is fine) and make sure it's relevant to what you want your ideal reader to see, not what you had for breakfast
  • Give value in the posts you create so it makes readers want to save it for later or share it with their friends. No one cares what your routine is like or whether you've just picked up an award - that doesn't help them do their jobs. Telling them how to save time on their daily tasks or connecting them with people in your industry who can help them to succeed is helpful and will keep your readers coming back for more.
  • Build a useful network, not a large one. Connect with people you've spoken with - this isn't Instagram, so don't just fire off a connection request without having had a conversation with the person before (LinkedIn frowns upon serial connectors who send bulk spam connections).

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Portrait image of Lake District photographer, Al Topping Photos & Film
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